Naar hoofdinhoud
Op donderdag 27 februari zal er GEEN Sonnenborgh by night plaatsvinden i.v.m. een Kinderkijkavond.
Museum observatory Museum observatory
Museum observatory Museum observatory

Hours & prices

Here you find information about our opening hours and prices.

Star viewing at Sonnenborgh
Star viewing at Sonnenborgh

Opening hours
Tuesdays to Fridays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays: 1 to 5 p.m.

Stargazing nights
In fall and winter (October up until April) the observatory is open to the public every Friday and Saturday evening. The Star Viewing Nights are held between 8 and 9:30pm on Friday and 7:30 and 9pm on Saturday (special kids program). Every last friday of the month the stargazing nights are in English.
Every Sunday, year round, the observatory is open to the public to look at the Sun. Opening hours: 1 to 5 p.m.

Sonnenborgh is closed on New Year’s Day (January 1st), the 2nd day of Easter, King’s Day (April 27th), Liberation Day (May 5th), Whit Monday, Christmas (December 25th & 26th) and december 31th.

 Archaeological finds at Bastion Sonnenborgh

Ticket prices

Adults: €12,50
Visitors under 18: €7,50
Visitors under 4: free admission
Students: €9,-
U-pas holders adult: €7,50
U-pas children: 5,25
Museumkaart holders: free admission
Guided group tours: €90,- (costs for a group of 1–15 people, 1.5 hrs, excl. museum admission)